正文 7

Let him make his speech, Julie said.

Yesterday you said no.

I was in a fouler mood yesterday. Today I am in a fairer mood.

Thats iing, Thomas said. How do you do that?

I ignore sea, she said, let him make his speech.

Thomas turo the Dead Father.

Would you like to make your speeow?

I have prepared some remarks, said the Dead Father. Remarks which are perhaps not without pertinency.

Thomas gathered together the men and Emma.

The men stood in a ragged half circle. The een. Edmund with his hand on his back pocket, where the flask was. Emma at oip of the crest, Julie at the other.

The Dead Father stepped forward and assumed his speaking position, a kind of forwardly lean.

All the men lighted cigarettes. Julie lighted a cigarette as did Emma.

The Dead Father placed the tips of the fingers of his two hands together.

In sidering, he said, insidering insidering insidering the additionally arriving human beings annually additionally arriving human beings each produg upon its head one huhousand individual hairs some retained and some discarded -- All the men sat down and began talking to each other. In plating I say these additionally arrived human beings not provided for by anticipatory design hocus or pocus and thus problematical, we must reliably extend a set of ever-advang speeding poised lingering or dwelling pattern behaviors suffit unto the day or adequate until the ime. Given the existence of the ime, anticipatory design neurosis designs for iion of the until-then-threatening non-self-requested experience of life and sweet, sweet variable stresses and flows to carry inward and inwardize if rain floods fires earthquakes tornadoes do not occur as predicted but look out of the window and see how dark the sky, how bold the wind, how whipped the trees, how gravitational the red falling skinripping rooftiles not provided for by anticipatory design fury preallotted to the distinuance of sciousness known as sleep, let us pray. Tensionally cohered universe here today and goomorrow finity inward and finity outward and ever-advang speeding poised lingering or dwelling particles in waveful duality and progressive ceptioning and Fathers Day interface with holistic behaviors ued by parts such as you, me, them, and we, and I, and he, and she, and it. These, assigned by a static or "at rest" analysis to super series of uable mathematical frequencies posed of plementary and reciproumbers found in cyclidling of experie necessarily promised by variable geographidle limitations, but sometimes, as in the song at twilight when the lights are low and the flickering shadows softly e and go, to multidynamically blossom or burst forth iy or pain and pre- and postnatal . . . disappois . . . appropriate trial balaruck. . . as to what might be. . . in the best case. . . however. However. Given the already-secreted true experience of the regeively-evolving prehensive world-design effainst fire flood pestilence violent atmospheric disturband providieen cubic feet of air per minute per person free of toxic or disagreeable odors or dust, or malice, we feel that metals broadly speaking and syiarrowly speaking will interlink into tinuously improving world-aroura-corporeal works, works within whily individual mas himself as an i island of physical distinuity sad to say, sad to say, physical distinuity and torpor, total velocities of whiown practices have proved ie to solve. Given however all-o

