正文 To The Rose Upon The Rood Of Time

To The Rose Upon The Rood Of Time

Red Rose, proud Rose, sad Rose of all my days!

e near me, while I sing the a ways:

Cuchulain battling with the bitter tide;

The Druid, grey, wood-nurtured, quiet-eyed,

Who cast round Fergus dreams, and ruin untold;

And thine own sadness, where of stars, grown old

In dang silver-sandalled on the sea,

Sing in their high and lonely melody.

e near, that no more blinded hy mans fate,

I find uhe boughs of love and hate,

In all poor foolish things that live a day,

Eternal beauty wandering on her way.

e near, e near, e near - Ah, leave me still

A little space for the rose-breath to fill!

Lest I no more bear on things that crave;

The weak worm hiding down in its small cave,

The field-mouse running by me in the grass,

And heavy mortal hopes that toil and pass;

But seek aloo hear the strahings said

By God to the bright hearts of those long dead,

And learn to t a tongue men do not know.

e near; I would, before my time to go,

Sing of old Eire and the a ways:

Red Rose, proud Rose, sad Rose of all my days.

Towards Break Of Day目录+书签To A Young Girl