正文 7

Lament not Eve, but patiently resigne

What justly thou hast lost; nor set thy heart,

Thus over-fond, on that which is not thine;

Thy going is not lonely, with thee goes [ 290 ]

Thy Husband, him to follow thou art bound;

Where he abides, think there thy native soile.

Adam by this from the cold sudden damp

Rec, and his scatterd spirits returnd,

To Michael thus his humble words addressd. [ 295 ]

Celestial, whether among the Thrones, or namd

Of them the Highest, for such of shape may seem

Prince above Princes, gently hast thou tould

Thy message, which might else in telling wound,

And in perf end us; what besides [ 300 ]

Of sorrow aion and despair

Our frailtie sustain, thy tidings bring,

Departure from this happy place, our sweet

Recess, and onely solatio

Familiar to our eyes, all places else [ 305 ]

Inhospitable appeer and desolate,

Nor knowing us nor known: and if by prayer

Incessant I could hope to ge the will

Of him who all things , I would not cease

To wearie him with my assiduous cries: [ 310 ]

But prayer against his absolute Decree

No more availes theh against the winde,

Blown stifling ba him that breaths it forth:

Therefore to his great bidding I submit.

This most afflicts me, that departing hence, [ 315 ]

As from his face I shall be hid, deprivd

His blessed tnance; here I could frequent,

With worship, place by place where he voutsafd

Presence Divine, and to my Soe;

On this Mount he appeerd, uhis Tree [ 320 ]

Stood visible, among these Pines his voice

I heard, here with him at this Fountain talkd:

So many grateful Altars I would reare

Of grassie Terfe, and pile up every Stone

Of lustre from the brook, in memorie, [ 325 ]

Or moo Ages, and thereon

Offer sweet smelling Gumms and Fruits and Flours:

In yonder her World where shall I seek

His bright appearances, or foot step-trace?
