
Isaiah Berlin 最的一本书是Personal Impressions。Personal Impressions 最的一篇文章是Meetings with Russian Writers in 1945 and 1946。昨晚我翻箱找书,找不找的那一本,却邂逅了一本十几年前版的老书。我二十几年前就喜欢读Berlin,一本是一九八一年我重伦敦的候买的。旅行途中断断续续读完全书,回不但经常重读,文章引了书中一些资料。余英先生熟读Berlin的着,一眼认处,信提位英国着名文化者、着名教授的椽笔。Berlin篇长文从一九四五年他在华盛顿英国使馆短期工写。那年夏,使馆临调派他英国驻莫斯科使馆工几月,理由是那边人手不足,他又谙俄文,在国参加一些国际问题议,了解国苏的各不同法。使馆认他暂补一补缺,直新年专人任止。二次战已经结束了。Berlin的英文乾净利落,平实中俱见养文采,读舒服:

In the summer of 1945,while I was w as a temporary official in the British Embassy in Washington,I was informed that I was to be seded to our Mosbassy for a few months:the reason given was that it was short-handed,and since I knew Russian,and had, at the San Francisco ference (and long before it), learnt something of official and unofficial Ameri attitudes to the soviet Union, I might be of some use in filling a gap until the New Year when Someone less amateur would be free to e. The war was over...

Berlin在苏联所见的两位是Anna AkhmatovaBoris Pasternak。那期,苏联人民刚刚遭受希特勒的蹂躏,史林代的极权专政方兴未艾,是,苏联的文艺术繁花似锦,不论创不论理论果实纍纍,继承二十世纪初的盛况展延续。物质贫乏,思蓬勃,文艺工者在莫斯科的寒夜维护人的尊严创的由求索。政治的冷风吹乱了人的绪。Berlin於是在篇长文的文首引了女诗人Anna Akhmatova日记的几句话:“记忆求连贯,每每弄真反假。人的记忆不顺序逐一重温旧。书信日记其实经常是无补於的”(“Every attempt to produce Coherent memories amounts to falsification. No human memory is sed as to recollect everything in tinuous sequence. Letters and diaries often turn out to be bad assistants”)。

Berlin候在俄国,一九一九年十岁跟人国有回故居。次他在莫斯科、在列宁格勒跟两位面长谈,亲眼他生活写的境遇,彼此由浅变深,深深改变了他的人生观。他说:年,他的名字,听人说他,清楚记他脸的表情,他的手势、他说的话。今,一读他写的东西,竟彷彿又听他的声音(“When I see their names in print, or hear them mentioned, I remember vividly the expressions oheir faces, their gestures and their words. When I read their writingsI , to this day, hear the sound of their voices”)。
