正文 A Victorian Fable(with Glossary)

The Village, take a fright.

In the rookeries.

Here the sloops of war and the dollymops flash it to spie a dowry of parny; there the boers cooled their longs and shorts in the hazard drums.

In every s and ginnel, bone-grubbers, rufflers, shivering-jemmies, anglers, clapperdogeons, peterers, sneeze-lurkers and Whip Jacks with their morts, out of the picaroon, fox and flimp and ogle.

A Hopping Giles gets a bloody Jemmy on the cross of a cut-throat; the snotters crib belchers, birds eye wipes, blue billies and Randals men.

In a boozing ken in the Holy Land, a dunk-horned cutter -- a cock-eyed clack box in flashy benjamin and blood red fancy -- shed a tear by the I desire.

But whe the water of life down the on sewer, he bullyragged so antiscripturally that the barney hipped and he rust.

"This shove in the mouth makes me shoot the cat! Me dumpli is fair all-overish!"

He certainly had his hump up. He absquatulated. The bung cried: "Square the omee for the cream of the valley!" But the splodger had mizzled with his half-a-grunter.

At his ruggy carser, his poll -- a killing, ginger-hackled skull-thatcher -- kept on the nose for her jomer.

She had faked the rubber for her mendozy and got him up an out and out glorious sihere was an alderman in s, a Ben Flake, a neddy of Sharps Alley blood worms, with Irish apricots, Joe Savad storrac.

"Pray God," she said, "that he be her beargeared, bleary, blued, primed, lumpy, top-heavy, moony, scammered, on the ran-tan, ploughed, muddled, obfuscated, swipy, kisky, sewed up nor all mops and brooms! Or that he hasnt lapped the gutter, t see a hole in a ladder or been to Bungay Fair and lose both his legs!"

But what a flare-up in the soush! He dropped into her on the spot. Hed got a capital twist for a batty fang and he showed her it was dragging time; she was sick as a horse. He was a catchy fancy-bloke.

"You mouldy old bed-fagot, you rotten old gooseberry pudden, you ugly old Gill, you flea-ridden old moll!" he blasted. "Ill give you jessie, you Mullingar heifer!"

A barnacled cove (a spoffy blackberry swagger with a e fringe) from the top floor back sang out: "K, you head beetler! Stow faking!" But got a stunning fag owopenny that sent him half-way to Albertopolis.

She had bought the rabbit with that slubberdegullion. He peppered her and clumped her ahered her till she went flop down on the Rory OMore and theepped it for the frog and toad, to go to Joe Blake the Bartlemy.

He hopped the twig on her.

"He ought to go to the vertical care-grinder!" she chived. "He ought to be marinated! Ill never poll up with a liver-faced, chatty, beef-headed, cupboard-headed, culver-headed, fiddle-faced, glumpish, squabby dab tros like him again!

"Im fairly in half-m -- it wont fadge, it just wont fadge. He gives me the Jerry go Nimbles. Ill stun him -- Ill streak. Ill pick up my sticks and cut."

So she bolted and took a speel on the drum to the top of Rome.

On Shitten Saturday, the worms pihat scaly shaver of hers in a Tom and Jerry for starring the glaze; he went over the stile at Spike Park and got topped.


Village, the London

take a fright night (rhyming slang)

rookeries a slow neighbourhood inhabited by dirty

Irish and thieves

sloop of war, a whore (rhyming slang)

dollymop, a a tawdrily dressed maid-servant, a




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