正文 About the Author

Angela Carter was born in 1940. When she published her first novel, Shadow Dance, in 1966, she was immediately reized as one of Britains most inal writers. Eight other novels followed: The Magic Toyshop (1967, John Llewellyn Rhys Prize), Several Perceptions (1968, Somerset Maugham Award), Heroes and Villains (1969), Love (1971), The Infernal Desire Maes of Doctor Hoffman (1972), The Passion of New Eve (1977), Nights at the Circus (1984, James Tail Black Memorial Prize), and Wise Children (1991). Angela Carter also published three colles of short stories -- The Bloody Chamber (1979, Cheltenham Festival of Literature Award), Fireworks: Nine Profane Pieces (1984), and Saints and Strangers (1985, published in the U.K. as Black Venus) -- a book of essays called The Sadeian Woman, two colles of journalism, and a volume of radio plays. She translated the fairy stories of Charles Perrault aed colles of fairy and folk tales as well as Wayward Girls & Wicked Women: An Anthology of Subversive Stories (1986). She also wrote the splay for the 1984 film The pany of Wolves, based on her short story. A fourth colle of stories ublished in the U.K. in 1993 as Ameri Ghosts and Old World Wonders. Most of Angela Carters fi is available in the U.S. from Penguin.

From 1976 though 1978 Angela Carter was Arts cil of Great Britain Fellow iive Writing at Sheffield Uy, and from 198h 1981 she was visiting professor in the Writing Program at Brown Uy. She traveled and taught widely in the U.S. and Australia but lived in London. Angela Carter died in February, 1992.

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