VIII The Holy Forest

KIP WALKS OUT of the field where he has been digging, his left hand raised in front of him as if he has sprai.

He passes the scarecrow for Hana’s garden, the crucifix with its hanging sardine s, and moves uphill towards the villa. He cups the hand held in front of him with the other as if proteg the flame of a dle. Has him oerrace, aakes her hand and holds it against his. The ladybird cirg the nail on his small finger quickly crosses over onto her wrist.

She turns bato the house. Now her hand is held out in front of her. She walks through the kit and up the stairs.

The patient turns to face her as she es in. She touches his foot with the hand that holds the ladybird. It leaves her, moving onto the dark skin. Avoiding the sea of white sheet, it begins to make the long trek towards the distance of the rest of his body, a bright redness against what seems like volic flesh.

In the library the fuze box is in midair, nudged off the ter by Caravaggio wheuro Hana’s gleeful yell in the hall. Before it reaches the floor Kip’s body slides underh it, aches it in his hand.

Caravaggio glances down to see the young man’s face blowing out all the air quickly through his cheeks.

He thinks suddenly he owes him a life.

Kip begins to laugh, losing his shyness in front of the older man, holding up the box of wires.

Caravaggio will remember the slide. He could walk away, never see him again, and he would never fet him. Years from now on a Toronto street Caravaggio will get out of a taxi and hold the door open for a Indian who is about to get into it, and he will think of Kip then.

Now the sapper just laughs up towards Caravaggio’s fad up past that towards the ceiling.

“I know all about sarongs.” Caravaggio waved his hand towards Kip and Hana as he spoke. “In the east end of Toronto I met these Indians. I was robbing a house and it turned out to belong to an Indian family. They woke from their beds and they were wearing these cloths, sarongs, to sleep in, and it intrigued me. We had lots to talk about and they eventually persuaded me to try it. I removed my clothes and stepped into one, and they immediately set upon me and chased me half naked into the night.” “Is that a true story?” She grinned.

“One of many!” She knew enough about him to almost believe it. Caravaggio was stantly diverted by the huma during burglar-ies. Breaking into a house during Christmas, he would bee annoyed if he noticed the Advent dar had not been opened up to the date to which it should have beeen had versations with the various pets left alone in houses, rhetorically discussing meals with them, feeding them large helpings, and was ofteed by them with siderable pleasure if he returo the se of a crime.

She walks in front of the shelves in the library, eyes closed, and at random pulls out a book. She finds a cleariween two ses in a book of poetry and begins to write there.

He says Lahore is an a city. London is a ret town pared with Lahore. I say, Well, e from an even newer try. He says they have always known about gunpowder. As far back as the seveh tury, court paintings recorded fireworks displays.

He is small, not much taller than I am. An intimate smile up close that charm anything when he displays it. A tougho his nature he doesn’t show. The Englishman says he’s one of those warrior saints. But he has a peculiar sense of humour that is more rambunctious than his manner suggests. Remember “I’l


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