A gentleman!

What o the woolpack? or the sugar-chest?

Or lists of velvet? which is t, pound, or yard,

You vend yentry by?


THERE are few places more favorable to the study of character than an English try church. I was once passing a few weeks at the seat of a friend who resided in, the viity of ohe appearance of which particularly struck my fancy. It was one of those rich morsels of quaint antiquity, which gives such a peculiar charm to English landscape. It stood in the midst of a try ?lled with a families, and tained within its cold and silent aisles the gregated dust of many noble geions. The interior walls were encrusted with mos of every age and style. The light streamed through windows dimmed with armorial bearings, richly emblazoned in stained glass. In various parts of the church were tombs of knights, and highborn dames, of geous workmanship, with their ef?gies in colored marble. On every side, the eye was struck with some instance of aspiring mortality, some haughty memorial which human pride had erected over its kindred dust in this temple of the most humble of all religions.

The gregation was posed of the neighb people of rank, who sat in pews sumptuously lined and cushioned, furnished with richly-gilded prayer-books, and decorated with their arms upon the pew doors; of the villagers and peasantry, who ?lled the back seats and a small gallery beside the an; and of the poor of the parish, who were ranged on benches in the aisles.

The service erformed by a snuf?ing, well-fed vicar, who had a snug dwellihe church. He rivileged guest at all the tables of the neighborhood, and had been the kee fox-hunter in the try, until age and good living had disabled him from doing anything more than ride to see the hounds throw off, and make o the hunting dinner.

Uhe ministry of such a pastor, I found it impossible to get into the train of thought suitable to the time and place; so, having, like many other feeble Christians, promised with my sce, by laying the sin of my own delinquency at another persons threshold, I occupied myself by making observations on my neighbors.

I was as yet a stranger in England, and curious to notice the manners of its fashionable classes. I found, as usual, that there was the least pretensiohere was the most aowledged title to respect. I articularly struck, for instance, with the family of a nobleman of high rank, sisting of several sons and daughters. Nothing could be more simple and unassuming than their appearahey generally came to chur the plai equipage, and often on foot. The young ladies would stop and verse in the ki manner with the peasantry, caress the children, and listen to the stories of the humble cottagers.

Their tenances were open aifully fair, with an expression of high re?, but at the same time a frank cheerfulness and engaging affability. Their brothers were tall, and elegantly formed. They were dressed fashionably, but simply--with strieatness and propriety, but without any mannerism or foppishness. Their whole demeanor was easy and natural, with that lofty grad noble frankness which bespeak free-born souls that have never been checked in their growth by feelings of inferiority. There is a healthful hardiness about real dignity, that never dreads tad union with others, however humble. It is only spurious pride that is morbid aive, and shrinks from every touch. I leased to see the manner in which they would verse


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