Chapter 4

Sunday was dedicated to the mystery of the Holy Trinity, Monday to the Holy Ghost, Tuesday to the Guardian Angels, Wednesday to saint Joseph, Thursday to the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, Friday to the Suffering Jesus, Saturday to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Every m he hallowed himself anew in the presence of some holy image or mystery. His day began with an heroic of its every moment of thought or a for the iions of the sn pontiff and with an early mass. The raw m air whetted his resolute piety; and often as he k among the few worshippers at the side-altar, following with his interleaved prayer-book the murmur of the priest, he glanced up for an instant towards the vested figure standing in the gloom betweewo dles, which were the old and the estaments, and imagihat he was kneeling at mass iabs.

His daily life was laid out iional areas. By means of ejaculations and prayers he stored up ungrudgingly for the souls in purgatory turies of days and quarantines and years; yet the spiritual triumph which he felt in achieving with ease so many fabulous ages of ical penances did not wholly reward his zeal of prayer, since he could never know how much temporal punishment he had remitted by way of suffrage for the agonizing souls; and fearful lest in the midst of the purgatorial fire, which differed from the infernal only in that it was not everlasting, his penance might avail no more than a drop of moisture, he drove his soul daily through an increasing circle of works of supererogation.

Every part of his day, divided by what he regarded now as the duties of his station in life, circled about its owre of spiritual energy. His life seemed to have drawo eternity; every thought, word, and deed, every instance of sciousness could be made to revibrate radiantly in heaven; and at times his sense of such immediate repercussion was so lively that he seemed to feel his soul iion pressing like fihe keyboard of a great cash register and to see the amount of his purchase start forth immediately in heaven, not as a number but as a frail n of inse or as a slender flower.

The rosaries, too, which he said stantly - for he carried his beads loose in his trousers pockets that he might tell them as he walked the streets - transformed themselves into als of flowers of such vague uhly texture that they seemed to him as hueless and odourless as they were nameless. He offered up each of his three daily chaplets that his soul might grow strong in each of the three theological virtues, in faith iher Who had created him, in hope in the Son Who had redeemed him and in love of the Holy Ghost Who had sanctified him; and this thrice triple prayer he offered to the Three Persons through Mary in the name of her joyful and sorrowful and glorious mysteries.

On each of the seven days of the week he further prayed that one of the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost might desd upon his soul and drive out of it day by day the seven deadly sins which had defiled it in the past; and he prayed for each gift on its appointed day, fident that it would desd upon him, though it seemed strao him at times that wisdom and uanding and knowledge were so distin their nature that each should be prayed for apart from the others. Yet he believed that at some future stage of his spiritual progress this difficulty would be removed when his sinful soul had been raised up from its weakness and enlightened by the Third Person of the Most Blessed Trinity. He believed this


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